Sunday, September 20, 2009

Random Thoughts of Sunday Night...


What happened to talking to people in person... and interaction?

What happened to the old ways, or is everything done over the internet, text message.. email... so WACK.

Everyone is different in their own way, and whatever they gotta to do to make them happy is what they gotta do... But the fact that our generation is so caught up with the internet world and updating everyone and their mama about their personal life is so absurd to me.

Do I need to know your every emotion every 2 seconds on facebook? Is it that important to be on there chatting your life away and updating statuses, when you could be out in the real world meeting new people, living life and appreciating every moment. I just don't get it. Go read a book, learn something new, go find yourself, be free.

It is nice to chat, catch up and what not, but hey if you wanna talk to me, call me. If you really want to get to know me then meet me. Real life connections are so much more meaningful people! Go out there and do it.

On a lighter note...

Daspo event this weekend was very dope!! You make your own party people, just go out there and live it.

Peace & LOVE